Thursday, January 17, 2008

Global Warming and Maryland

I know that somewhere in the arctic there are polar bears swimming for days because of this phenomenon, but I can't help but enjoy it's offshoots. These pictures were taken about a week apart. Yep, those kiddos are wearing short sleeve shirts as we tromps through the back woods of our neighborhood. (Although it was a fun diversion, it originally was a hopeful shortcut home from a park in a not so nearby neighborhood.) The best picture was taken mentally by me. After lifting three kids up the side of a stream's bank, I realized that I had to hoist my 7 month pregnant self up that same bank that was ribcage high. My two options were enlisting all the kids help (not likely since the biggest one was Mia and she's a whopping 40 lbs) and the other was a flimsy twig dangling out of some soft dirt. It was impressive I'm sure or at least I imaged it to be so.
Then today we had a downfall of Utah proportions. So much so that I found myself drifting off into reminiscing land throughout the day. I kept smelling the bus exhaust of good old 801 Northbound as it carried our rented snowboarding gear to Salt Lake. I could almost feel the tension of waiting to mount the ski lift for the first time and the apprehension of making it off at the top without taking seven people out on your way down. I even started explaining it to Tiago and Mia. They were sweet enough to listen attentively and even ask for more of the story. We looked kind of rag tag in our "snow gear", but who cares. Mia was into eating the snow and making a snow baby. Tiago was spitting out snow left and right and digging the snow shovel. We (I should say it was just me) made our family out of snow. Here we are behind our respective snow person.


Madelyn Joy Lancaster said...

ohh send some of that global warming our way... it is FREEZING cold here and I would love a day of just short-sleeved warm fun. I smiled and laughed so much in this entry that I snorted and gave myself the hiccups! I visualize my ever so agile sis scaling the side of a ditch (of course 7 months prego). I put you in the same boat as the Vietnamese rice paddy workers. If you need an explanation of that comment you can check out my posting from a couple days ago. YOU ARE AWESOME! I on the other hand would try to scale that mountain (oh wait I was on hospital bed rest at this point of my pregnancy). I loved your imagery that you used to describe a snow boarding adventure. I actually found a bunch of pictures of you and me up at Snowbird enjoying the day. We looked freaking cool. I reminisce about this time and think it would be so much fun to plan a family reunion some other YEAR to do just that very thing. (Long enough so we can all save up our pesos). Speaking of family reunions and pesos, you will be living actually in the premier place from everyone as far as flights are concerned... from cali, utah, detroit, and new york flights are $99 each way. SOoo we should see about taking some time maybe this summer to all come visit or something like that? what would you think?

The Camarillo Trio said...

how did you beat me angela!

I was talking to rachelle as she hit publish!

i'm not going to comment on weather, but your kiddos look cute!

The Camarillo Trio said...

and I just read angela's comment, and we do need to think about a family reunion!

Kristin said...

The 7 month pregnant mother of two had time and energy enough to create intricately carved snow people? I always knew you were've reached new heights today. :)

student said...

Mia got her snow, and I must say, turned it into a wonderful snow family. You may still visit Utah and smell the exhaust, ski the mountains, and build snow people at Grandma and Grandpa's house. The $99 special to Texas sound so wonderful and so do-able. With a little help from our friends, I am sure we would all be able to make it. If you feel up to it, maybe we can talk dates?

AMy said...

This blog pst gave me insane giggles!

Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

To: Mia, From: Liezl
I like your snowman. We have had fun in the sun and snow this last week too. What silly weather!