Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aquarium Field Trip (musical )

During the past 4 plus years we have lived here, we have yet to see many of the "must see" sites. There are many reasons for this. First, most must sees are for an older crowd. I just don't think my kids would love or be loved at some fancy show at the Kennedy Center. Another reason/excuse is the cost of somethings. I can't pay $14 per person to watch historical actors dress up in character garb to farm in colonial style. This (money) has been the reason we haven't gone to the Baltimore Aquarium until yesterday. Luckily, a friend had a member pass for me to get in free, Tiago was under the paying age group, and due to lack of dolphin show they let Mia in free too. We still paid plenty for parking, but what an experience! (Well, I was glad it was a freebie, because I've seen much better.)


Claudia said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Our trip to the aquarium was during a torrential downpour, and we all felt like soggy fish by the time we got inside!

Emily said...

What a great trip.

Kids even love looking at a fish-tank, so I'm sure that they had a blast at the aquarium.

I always love pics of your kids--all the better with charlotte diamond singing away in the background.

Time is ticking away for your time in Maryland--good for you for going around and seeing the sites.

student said...

The aquarium may not have been all you expected, but the kids never disappoint. Love the music in the background, too.

The Petrini Post said...

So cute...I haven't taken my kids there yet. I think it's time for a feild-trip! How's the baby doing?

Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

We have planned to go there for Quincy's birthday on Saturday and we are that much more excited to go now. Thanks for the great slide show - we all loved it.