Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Best Friends

Tiago and Mia are best friends. That includes the occasional tiffs that come with that territory, but on the whole, they think the world of each other. I love to here Mia call for Tiago using her nickname for him. . .Boy. And love to hear Tiago yell at the top of his lungs, Meekies, in order to find his sister. Mia's job seems to be explaining the mysteries of the universe. For example, Tiago was informed that after he was married, he would be able to kiss a girl on the lips. (You better believe it!) Tiago's job is that of endless adoration and encouragement to try new things. It's always more fun to have a partner in crime. I often learn great lessons of love from watching them interact. Mia tenderly speaking to Tiago when he is throwing a fit or sharing her favorite things with him. Tonight, Tiago wanted to cuddle and comfort Mia since she seemed to be in a little bit of pain. He would give her hugs and kisses and wanted to sleep in her bed with her. He even said a little prayer in order to help out. Someday, I hope to love as they love and care as they care.


AMy said...

OK... this is a tearjerker! They are super cute together. It will be fun to see them as teenagers...

cathy said...

The blue circle must be heaven. Love the picture and the post. Great kids, great mom, great dad! Love Cathy

Madelyn Joy Lancaster said...

so sweet... I just love those two! and you have such a way of capturing and recording that little celestial snippet.

Lynn said...

I also share in the love of getting to see the big sister little brother relationship grow and flourish. Precious.

Emily said...

i hugged my computer but it just didn't feel the same.