Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Moral Rights Movement

The other day we watched the movie Amazing Grace that focuses on one man's quest to destroy the slave trade in Britain. Although the movie could have been a whole lot better considering the topic and the true story, it did leave me hankering for a good passionate debate. Fernando was a little more then tired from work that week and we share the same opinion on almost all important matters making a debate impossible. All night I kept thinking about how wonderful it would be if everyone who stood for any moral decency would voice their opposition to the tide of evil that is flooding our country and world. If the collective whole could stand up for the moral rights we have cherished, but taken for granted. This voice could at least match the loud lobbyists from "special interest" groups that get laws passed that seem crazy. For example, Maryland just unanimously passed a bill that would allow people of any physical make up to use facilities that are for the gender they feel more attached to. Translation: men or women can choose what locker room or restroom or any other gender assigned and separated area that would like to enter if they felt more female then you would suppose by their genetic make up. I am sure that there were several people who thought that slavery was wrong, but didn't think they could stop such an economically and politically sound institution. Luckily, it did to some extent. So, it's my turn. I need to find some way to let my voice be heard whether or not it makes a noticeable difference. At least I can try.


AMy said...

So a guy could come into the women's locker room and say that he "feels" more comfortable there? How many perverts is it going to take before law makers realize how stupid they are?! {really really pissed off look on my face!} It is time to stand up!

student said...

I would recruit as many other amazed citizens to join in my effort. I do know that calling you congressman/woman (what ever they feel like they are today) does make a difference. If you multiply that difference by 10 it makes 10 times the difference. Good luck. Cathy

Lynn said...

sometimes I feel attached to using the men's restroom cause the lines shorter..then I regret it cause of the conditions inside...but... anyhow I CANNOT believe that they actually passed that. Wow.

Enjoy your last few months of talking to Fernando at all, much less debating... :)