Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pioneer Appreciation Day

Almost a year ago, Fernando thought it would help the kids hyperactivity if they were able to walk to church. While I was still very pregnant with Joaquin and because of Talia's short legs, I drove while the two oldest kids made the 2.5 mile walk to church (minus the mile or so they were able to drive in the car with me to find a more suitable starting point). It worked great. They made it in time for our 2:30 pm church time (HELLO!) and were more than willing to sit still on the benches at church. No longer pregnant and with parents visiting, I thought today would be a good Pioneer Appreciation Day.

Our time slot this year is 8:30 am, so it was going to be a walk home from church. We came prepared with water, food, and tennis shoes which look so hot with a floral skirt and long white socks and white, hairy legs. Good thing Fernando already realized my lack concern for fashion or this would have been a shocker. My parents drove Joaquin home and we headed out in the drizzle to get a good appreciation for personal transportation. The kids started the 3.5 miles strong. Talia ran for the first half mile. A few friends saw us and offered us rides. I am pretty sure they thought we were the meanest parents making our kids walk for such a long amount of road, but I think their little bodies could use a bit more endurance training.

I loved walking and talking about lots of stories from Fernando's and my childhood. It wasn't until mile 2 that we were losing the troops. Thank heavens some hoodlums knocked over some construction signs that the kids loved to put up. That got us back on track.

Not surprisingly, the .5 mile walk from the entrance of our neighborhood to our door was the most trying for the kids. This is when they began to beg for us to call my parents to pick them up. Seeing as how it was flat for most of the walk and a delicious 60 degree slightly breezy day, we felt like they could make it. And they did! Good on ya, kiddos!


Emily said...

Way to go tovar kiddos!

student said...

they were all troopers!!!

Lynn said...

i just got your request for the potsticker recipe. (we were without power for 3 days!) you probably have something figured out by now but if not I think I can find it if I look.