Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's a New Generation

Yesterday, my kids rushed downstairs too excited to tell me about the miracle they just witnessed. I will quote directly so as not to miss out on any goodness.

Tiago "Mom, you know that thing that we take to music class that plays the songs?"

Me "The CD player?"

Tiago "yeah, that! Well, Talia turned it on and music started playing with out even a cd in it!"

Me "That's called the Radio."

Tiago (still a bit confused why I haven't joined the enthusiasm to his level yet) "Mom! After a song was done, it kept playing and the people were talking so fast and funny!"

Me "Yeah, that's Spanish Radio!" (trying hard to be really excited and cover up my amusement and huge desire to just hug him for his cuteness.)

Who knew how magical a Radio could be. They listened and danced for over an hour. Then they took it outside to play and dance some more. I was pretty ok with the spanish stations since most play Cumbia, but had to find a new station once we found the classic rock. Well, that is until they started dancing to this "Cowboy" Song:

Every time the radio announcers would come on, they would burst into laughter. I love my kids!


scott and tara said...

That is hilarious! Love how it was the spanish station :)


I just want to *gush* them!! that is so stinking cute!

Kimberli said...

Ha! Love the guitar playing! Those kids have skills!

Emily said...

talias hair!!! It is so long!

Love your kidlets!

Sulay said...

That was so cute. :) Thanks for sharing that precious moment!

David said...

great story. it's true that spanish sounds fast! why is that?