Saturday, April 30, 2011

Viva Fiesta

During the week of the birthday fun, San Antonio decided to celebrate Fiesta. It is kind of its own little party celebrating our Alamo heritage from both the angle of the defenders and the Mexicans. They even have a mock battle with Flowers instead of ammunition. We have yet to participate in any of the city activities since we all are in bed before most of the celebrations start, but thankfully the schools do their part in celebrating. They have cascarones, parties with nachos and otter pops (yeah, otter pops have nothing to do with anything) and piñatas*.
Mia's piñata was adorable and loaded with delicious treats to "share" whether she wanted to or not.

*Incidentally, the day I helped out at Tiago's class fiesta party was the last day he went to school. I was so enraged at what happened or I should say what wasn't happening in regards to education that I could no longer be ok with sending him there even if it was for only 2 1/2 hours. I think that if I hadn't just been dressed in a pink sequined number for Talia's birthday party and feeling a little hot from standing in the Texas sun, it might have been a little less dramatic. In any case, I wish I would have come to this conclusion clear back in September.


Claudia said...

Fiesta sounds great and all, but what is this about Tiago dropping out of school? Everything okay?

Emily said...

human nature to get so close to temptation--opening, smelling, exploring.

Boy, she is getting old.

I love you. Hugs to your kiddos!

David said...


Kimberli said...

Viva Fiesta! I sure miss that 2 week party!

And sorry you've had a rough go with school. I had to chuckle at the picture I had created in my head with you wearing the pink dress though. :)

Lynn said...

Does the fun ever stop at your house?

I always loved Fiesta in college, and it coincided with my birthday, so I was allowed to stay up for the festivities.