Sunday, October 17, 2010

Not So Good

My attempts to be cutesy for Halloween failed miserably tonight. I thought I would help distract the kids from missing their father by making a treat after church today. I got the idea from a fun cooking blog and decided the red apples could be transformed into a Halloween treat by switching out the red Jell-o for orange. I am not sure how her Krispy Apple Treats turned out, but ours were a rancid sugar overload and not even close to being in a good way.

I wanted to blame it on the semi stale marshmallows. I kept trying it and bite after bite I shuddered. Mia loved it. Too bad, I couldn't allow her to destroy her body with that marshmallow mess. Into the sink it went.


Emily said...

When we were young shelly nel--- invited me to a b-day party we say little mermaid in the theater, to give you a time frame and had jello popcorn balls. Well, I asked for the recipe, and made them at home, gave one to dad, and he lost a crown over it. Well there you go. Good mom go anyhow.

student said...

I have had many mommy moments with soups and other sorts of stuff from the creative kitchen of mommyhood. Too bad Mia loved it. I