Monday, July 19, 2010

Mao's Last Dancer

Before I delve into the recounting of Grandparents visiting, I thought I would quickly recommend a book. I should say that I haven't finished it yet and one too many times a book has been marvelous up until a certain point so consider yourself disclaimed. Also, we are listening to the book which is often more enjoyable depending on which voice actor they chose to read.

It is a true story of Li Cunxin and his life from poverty in Mainland China under Mao's reign (which is where we are still at in the book) I say we, because my kids are enjoying the read right along with me. They have also made a movie, but I doubt it could be as good as listening to this little boy tell of the happiness he had with little else than dried yams to eat if anything else at all.

I think above all, it helps me realize that this life really is meant to be joyful even when it seems impossible to be described as such. I think it reminds me how delicious choice can be and drinking cold water from my faucet. . . Scratch that, filtered water from my fridge.


David said...

hey this sounds interesting, think i'll check it out!

me and lis and sorenson fam and jenn are all going to new york in two weeks and seeing palmyra while there. i cannot wait! you ever been there?

Lisa Christine said...

Thanks for the recommendation. It's sounds like a story that my older two need to hear. They have a hard time understanding the realities of the world (if you know what I mean). And sometimes, when they are acting spoiled I just wish that they could understand how blessed they are. So yes, I will definitely see if it's at my local library.