Friday, July 30, 2010

Could I Be That Forgiving

I am so glad I saw this today.. I woke up with another kinked neck which means I was slightly disgruntled. I figured I would do all my interneting before my kids woke up. Our home page opens to the website. We have enjoyed all the mormon messages, but this one in particular made me reflect deeply on my life and how I act towards other people. If this man, who lost so much, could forgive, anyone can forgive. How much better the world would be if we could truly be so forgiving. The man didn't pretend that his life wasn't destroyed, but instead realized that our lives are meant to find happiness and love. Anger and hate and bitterness comes so naturally and understandably. The Savior realizes how easy it is to hang on to those justified feelings, but has the power to lift us above our natural self to find continual happiness.

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