Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Foiled by the Grinch

Yesterday I made my appearance in court for my "moving violation" that occurred several months ago. I have been stewing over this ridiculous ticket for way too long. With camera in hand, I made my way to the courthouse for the truth to be told. Too bad my camera was confiscated at the front security desk. Good thing I printed off the mapquest page. After an almost hour long wait, a prosecuting attorney pulled me into another room. He fit a stereotypical model of a schmooze. His hair was slicked back and his smile curled up just like the Grinch when he thinks of his awful idea. He used such choice phrases like "look, I'm not here to talk you out of proceeding to trial" and "Officer so-and-so is here ready to testify against you. He even took notes" and my favorite of all "I am here to make you a deal to save you x amount of time and x amount of dollars". He rolled his eyes a few times and even held back a snort when he could use his new found knowledge of traffic laws. My 12 miles over the posted speed limit now became over 20 since unknown speed limits = traveling 35 miles per hour. I tried to remind him of the ever more important rule of driving in a manner to prevent accidents, but he just said too bad you got caught.

Usually, I just think my bad thoughts and smile. This time I half spoke my bad thoughts and fumed over the lack of justice that I was witnessing. They didn't want the truth. They wanted my money. Yet, in the end, I folded. I knew I was in the right, but I was done with this escapade. I have never in my 15+ years of driving all over this country received a speeding ticket or any other sort of traffic violation. The prosecutor noted that and knock the fee to $130 with no defensive driving test and a probationary 90 days to not get pulled over again. $130 and I was free. I took a few moments to think about it. I wondered how I would win in court. I have a feeling that my hear say evidence (camera wasn't coming into the courtroom) about the over hanging branch covering the speed limit would have been ignored.

I left angry and with a better understanding of how so many countries live with corrupt leaders and "law"givers. It was too much of a gamble for me to pay the full ticket ($176) plus court fees ($100+) and have the ticket on my record (who knows what that would have done to our insurance). $130 sounded good and the attorney knew it.

What I am left with is the questions why? Why can a police officer pull me over when several other cars were driving much faster then me? Oh wait, I know, I was the only one going slow enough for him to pass two lanes of freeway entrance traffic and a solid white line and catch the dangerous driver. Why am I being punished for a bad pruning job? Oh wait, I know, because the state needs easy money. Why else would the police officer pick such a precarious spot to park his unmarked police car? Why did I not have the guts to stand up for myself? Oh wait, I know, I never do.

Oh well, I guess my painting and replacing a wretched chandelier will have to wait. San Antonio needs an easy $130.


Claudia said...

Ugh, sorry. Hope you can have a Merry Christmas anyway.

student said...

Besides eroding some of your otherwise HoHoHo Christmas spirit, the lesson sadly seems to be clear, clog up my court schedule, and the gamble is yours. So sorry for the injustice which hurts even more than the money.

Emily said...


Sorry to hear that.

Lynn said...

I am fuming now too. What a horrible situation to be placed in. You almost wish the extra cash didn't matter and you could take the gamble to see what the outcome would be. TX cops are rough. It's the only place I've ever gotten tickets. But maybe that was because I lived there before I had kids and learned to drive slow.

David said...

oh this post kills me to read! i hate slick know it all smug attorney types. i hate them! i'm sorry to hear you folded. it's undertandable, owing way less money, but i hate to think of that attorney feeling so triumphant.

AMy said...

i wish you would stand up for yourself more often but in this case i think you made the right choice to cut your losses and move on.

Lisa Christine said...


This is so sad.

I have had only had one driving violation as well. I was outraged!!! I am the slowest driver I know. I NEVER even go 1 mile over the speed limit and it drives Donald nuts!

So I got pulled over in a school zone (back in 2000). And I went to court and told them that I never ever speed. This was the greatest injustice I had ever seen. But basically they laughed in my face and stuck me with the ticket anyway.

I was so mad I was shaking. And I never get mad. Ever. Except then. In fact, there have probably been less than 5 times in my entire life when I have been truly mad. Actually, to be honest with you I can only think of one other time. Point being that it takes a lot to get me upset.

So what I am really trying to say is.....I feel your pain.