Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Crocs and their many should be non-uses

Crocs have to be the ugliest form of footwear invented, but they are so wonderful. I love throwing them one to quickly run to the store or take out the garbage or pick up me from the bus stop. Unfortunately, I sometime forget that they really aren't outside of the house shoes and just add to my disheveled look I try to pull off everyday.

It was bound to happen that I would forget my shoe choice at a most inconvenient time. Such as racing to Zumba only to realize my crocs were still on. In my mind, I tried to figure out if it was worth it to race to some store to buy a pair of shoes. No, because 1: I would be even more late if not miss the whole class. B: I am way too cheap to throw away money on new shoes just because I wasn't thinking.

So with just about enough dignity that a Zumba fan could muster, I began shaking my stuff whilst trying to keep huge crocs on my feet.


student said...

Did they ask you to come up to the front?

Lisa Christine said...

I would have loved to have seen that :)

Emily said...

snort. snort. I can totally see that. Was it Angela's class?

Even better.

David said...

merry christmas tovars!

Lynn said...

This cracks me up. One of my favorite pairs of shoes the past year has been my Crocs but they are black ballet slipper type style. They are perfect for our rainy weather, comfy, light and I consider them cute enough to wear to church...or Zumba.