Monday, September 7, 2009

Need for Speed

While driving one of my normal dog trails to Big Willy, I noticed that I am traveling over the speed limit and try to adjust my driving accordingly. In San Antonio, the freeways are littered with frontage roads that vary in speed levels between 45-55 mph. They are kind of random and you have usually about a few seconds to notice. Unfortunately, a sleek silver sports car also was aware of the inappropriate speed I was going and decided to reveal his true identity.

Cop lights blazing, I am hailed to pull into a grass field over a loud intercom system. The police officer mosies on up and gives me a chance to tell the truth. I admit that I noticed I was going over the speed limit, but that I honestly thought that it was 55 mph. He let me know that I was going a whopping 57 mph. He then proceeds to ask me if I was in a hurry to get anywhere. I was more then a bit baffled about the question. So, I repeat the facts of how the frontage roads are usually 55 and when I noticed this one was 45, I started to hit my breaks. It wasn't that the presence of the police officer was known and I was hoping not to get caught. I truly was trying to go the speed.

Really, he didn't even care. After 15 minutes of him sitting in his car, I get a ticket for $176. He kindly lets me know that I can take a defensive driving course for only $107 and then it wouldn't go on my record. Instead I would have to waste a day in court and waste another whole day doing the course.

What irks me to no extent is that I am being punished for trying to be a good driver. There have been plenty of times that I am being reckless and going at least 20 mph over. I would have no problem pleading guilty and going to defensive driving. So, do I appear in court and hope for validation or suck it up and take the ludicrous ticket?



you don't want it on your record... that stinks and I totally have a similar story...

Becca said...

I guess I need to pay more attention to the speed limits. I agree with you that the frontage roads are confusing. I got a ticket for $108, still had to pay it and yes I went to the "lovely" course all about not drinking and driving. What a waste, but at least I was able to have 3 of the 4 points taken off that were against me. Sorry to hear that you got a ticket, but thanks for waking me up to my speed.

Kimberli said...

Cops have "no mercy" here... tickets stink!

ZooMom said...

As much as it hurts to put your tail between your legs, I'd go to court and do traffic school if for no other reason than the fact that I wouldn't want to pay an increased insurance premium on what I imagine is an otherwise spotless records.

student said...

I know you are a good driver, and both you and Fernando decided to go the speed limit before Mia was born. What you are suffering for is the multitude of people who really do speed, then when they are caught, tell the officer an amazing story about not understanding what the speed limit was, along with a wide-eyed apology. Remember when we were on a family trip. I was driving one car, and Dad was driving the other car. We had just crossed the border into California. We were going up a hill, and a car literally cut right in front of me, going 60 + mph. I had to step on my breaks so as not to run into the car. A policeman saw me, pulled me over, and gave me a ticket for following too closely.

AMy said...

... life ... in a couple of weeks it won't matter. you are giving more to this than it really deserves. and i agree with angela... you don't want this on your record.

tell me : do cops in texas have big belt buckles or do they just have attitudes the size of texas ?

SuzanSayz said...

All I can say is 'that stinks!'

Lisa Christine said...

That was Lisa, not Susan.

Susan is my mother in law who was here at my house using my computer an hour or so ago. And apparently the computer never got signed out :)

tylerandmommy said...

Stinks. That's all I can say. But most likely your best bet is to try anything to keep your insurance rate from going up. Blah. I expect an enormously funny blog about traffic school...hee hee.

Kevin and Kristen said...

The same thing happened to me, and those San Antonio police are soooo not nice. If you decide to take the course,, good ole' HEB as an online course you can take. But don't take it before you appear in court and the judge will give you that option. I know, it is soooo frustrating.

David said...

$176? Ouch! I'm sorry to hear it Rachelle. That is totally lame. Probably do the thing to get your record clean, so your insurance doesn't go up. I always thought that cops let girls off easy? Guess not.

Claudia said...

Same story up here - happened to me about our 4th day in Texas. I did the course (and day in court totally pregnant with toddler in tow). Hopefully, you can do the course online (as in, at night after the kids are in bed).