Friday, July 3, 2009

Good Example

The other day, as I was catching up on blogs and other internet things, Mia asked about a friend she hadn't seen in church for awhile. She said, "May be she is sick. We should call to see if she is ok. And we should buy her something nice." I immediately got the phone and gave her the chance to act on her inspiration. It reminded me of a touching lesson I heard long ago in primary. (not when I was young, but when I had the chorister calling a few years ago). The Primary president talked about all the missing children and how we could not be as strong without them.

Far too often in our current ward, with all the craziness that can happen when you are outranked by the primary aged children, I think that people can be overlooked. I know that we have missed a few Sundays here and there for vacations or sickness and feel fine going back to church whether or not people noticed us missing. I am sure there are others who feel like their absence is left unnoticed and it has to do with them personally. I am sure there are many who think that their presence at church is directly linked to other people's ability to look outside of their own situation.

Mia has more then once thought of a person and wanted to make them feel important. Someday, I hope to be more like her.


student said...

I am very proud of you Mia, and I am also proud that Mom acted immediately to allow you to follow up on your very good idea, even inspiration.

AMy said...

that is so cool that she would notice something like that...future leader right there i would say ;)

tylerandmommy said...

What a wonderful girl! It's great when children set examples and I love that you can want to be more like her without feeling bitter. Some people have trouble "looking up" to kids, but I think they are amazing. Yay MIA!

David said...

way to be, Mia! (a President Hinckley reference :)