Monday, August 25, 2008


With an ad boasting temperatures of 68 degrees year round family fun minutes from San Antonio, one wonders why we took so long to get to the Caverns. The ad was misleading in several ways. The temperature was 68 but living caves are loaded with water and its natural offspring of humidity. No bother, it still was refreshing to be out of the sun and active.
Family fun? Well, Fernando and I really enjoyed learning about the intricacies of living caves like the fact that constant dripping water helps the cave to grow with minerals and such. Or the water in the cave is fairly clean dripping from the rocks and well all took a risky sip. The kids on the other hand were bored and were confused why we drove and waited almost an hour for our tour of a cave. Talia was equally unimpressed and slept most of the time.

I only now realize the frustration of my parents when they dragged us off to some "exciting" place and we didn't even try to enjoy it. I guess frustration isn't the word. The feeling is one of "next time we'll just pull out the hose and run around the backyard for good, cheap fun". I also want to point out that our new high school graduate tour guide was sporting the latest fashion and was apparent every time she bent over which felt excessive. Whomever decided that thongs should be visible any other place besides one's feet was mistaken. Even the one young and single guy turning away in disgust.
Complaints aside, I am glad we went. This earth is too amazing to miss. Besides, how often can you see a waterfall underground?


AMy said...

Ok, can I just say how hot! you are looking with that hair...seriously you are one hot mamma. I guess your family is cute too :)

Becca said...

We'll have to see if Parker will do the same! I've never been to a cavern, so hopefully the reaction of him won't be the same, but I'm sure it will. That is a very cute picture of your family!

garbage goat said...

If you came to Utah in September, we'd make sure to get up and see you all. Where are you guys actually living now? I've been unable to figure it out from the blog, ever since "Mer" Turner tuned me into Team Tovar.

Emily said...

How much Talia has grown!!! So cute. You are right, in that one pic of Mia and Tiago, bored out of my gored comes to mind.

Anyway,I am glad you went for the bold and the beautiful with your hair. I bet you get a lot of compliments on it. Sometimes taking the plunge is more fun than people realize.

I love you guys!

Emily said...

Oh yeah, cute new background, too!

student said...

Love the new background, and WOW we have no failure to thrive in our beautiful Talia. I remember some family fun trips that were probably more fun for Dad and Mom than for the kids. I am certain you were amazingly tolerant and patient with their less than total enthusiasm involving the experience. I think the earth, the weather, the sky, is wonderful and is evidence of a loving Father's creative hand in giving us a world that is fantastic and beautiful to live in.

student said...

No, I am not a student, (ask Emily)


I love all of it... the hair, the creative activity, the kids, the background... I can't believe I haven't commented earlier! (I thought I did but apparently it just didn't show up. I can't wait to see you guys!