Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Valentine Fun

The day started off cutesy with heart/ I love you pancakes with raspberries. Tiago even got a few banana slices. Then it went down hill from there. I was fine, but it was "boring" for the kids. Mia even told me so. We tried to make it special at night with a little Italian takeout. Unfortunately, the food wasn't a hit. The icing on the unmade sugar cookies (well at least my idomatic phrase can be valentine's appropriate) was the very perfect note that Fernando left for me on my pillow and my nothing I gave him in return. I had big hopes for this year, but didn't take the time or effort to do anything about that desire. Good thing I have another slew of holidays coming up in March and many a birthday's in April to work out this regret.


student said...

I would be very interested in hearing about Valentines Day on February 15. I am also a big believer in you can't make or ruin anything in a day. It really is a drop-by-drop process, and I must say you have an entire ocean of drops to call on. By the way, how did you make the pancake valentines so symmetrical? Mia and Tiago truly get cuter by the day. I love you.

TOVAR said...

Please, heart pancakes are nothing when you usually have requests for Lightening McQueen, lions or other animal renderings, and even a leprechaun once (that was a request from Chris Woidka).

AMy said...

Fernando leaves you love notes and in turn you can make him a chinese acrobatic shaped pancake complete with a trained monkey with a double-headed toilet plunger!

Emily said...

I know that feeling of having unfulfilled good expectations. It is funny how those special days sneak up on us. In fact, on valentines day, we did celebrate, but not in the way that I originally planned--and it was much more low-key.

You are a great mom, and I look to you for so many ideas.

Besides, it appears that you are already taking a step in the reight direction. Better start celebrating chinese new year now so you and your kids are in full swing when China takes over the world.

Thanks for the vids.

Loves to all.


I love the video clips and the pictures. I think that Tiago's big cheeser in the first picture is my favorite! I just love my niece and nephew.


I love the video clips and the pictures. I think that Tiago's big cheeser in the first picture is my favorite! I just love my niece and nephew.

Claudia said...

Heart shaped pancakes? Very impressive!! Once again, you win the "creative mom" award!

Have any good ideas for St. Pat's and Easter celebrations? So far I have come up with cupcakes with sprinkles. Help, there must be something better...

Lynn said...

You should be on a Food Network challenge for your pancake making skills. And, you don't have to get Fernando anything for v-day. You're cooking him yet another adorable child and BYU fan.