Clear back in April, we decided to sign up for a chance to follow Fernando for a few months. The logistics were a bit
overwhelming. We worked several
different options including terminating out rental contract and putting our
stuff in storage. Fortuitously, some new
neighbors moved in and we snagged a good deal of boxes to pack up our household
goods. In the end, the stress and
timetable of the rental termination helped us decide to keep our contract and
find friends willing to use the house while we were away.
Though we tentatively decided to go through with the whole
transient lifestyle, the deal was sealed when my Mom arranged for a few days of
horseback riding at her cousin’s house in Wyoming. The plan was now to visit Fernando’s family
for a few weeks. Fernando would head off to set things up for us (housing, car, etc) while we played in Utah
with my family. Then, when things were
looking settled, we would make our way to Fernando. All the while, we would do very basic
homeschool to keep the kids’ brains active and functioning.
During our final preparations, a few big problems decided to
rear their ugly head. All the flights
seemed to disappear (common with Space-A) so we bought last minute plane
tickets to California. The weather
started to get a little chilly (like pipes freezing/bursting cold) and we found
out that our furnace was broken and the repair wouldn’t be completed until
after we flew out. On top of all that,
Joaquin decided to play super hero off our wooden chest and damaged his
foot. The radiologist didn’t give us any
hope for a positive outcome.
Luckily, Joaquin’s foot seemed to heal (not 100% sure as the
doctor seems to be, but that is what the xrays show). Because the tickets were only one-way, it was
relatively inexpensive. Amazing friends
went out of their way to be at our home to turn on water and space heaters, and
open cabinets. One dear friend noted
that is was warmer in our garage than the house. They took turns opening the house for the
repairman who wouldn’t show up. The
furnace finally was fixed much to everyone’s delight. We were on our way.
Friday, September 27 at 10:30pm we arrived at the Anchorage International Airport. Our dear neighbors dropped us off and helped us carry all 13 bags into the terminal. We were flying JetBlue that only had the extra roomy seats available and should have charged us $40 a seat, but kindly let us upgrade for free. The flight took off at midnight, dropped us into Seattle 3 hours later. Lay over was 1 hour (long enough for kiddos to really wake up and buy some overpriced breakfast) and then we had a 1 hour flight to Long Beach, CA. It really put things into perspective how far Alaska is from the continental US.
Funny side note, while watching the other passengers board the plane for Seattle, I couldn't help but notice the very similar attire and appearance. Almost everyone who walked down the aisle had gauges in the ears, rings in strange places, dreaded hair, au natural hygiene and a mellow attitude. The same could be said for boarding to LA except those items were replaced with perfectly coifed hair, immaculate makeup, lightly bronzed skin, and coordinated apparel, bags, jewelry, and shoes.
Long Beach Airport was quaint. We walked off the airplane onto the tarmac and enjoyed the palm trees in the open atrium between the terminal and the outdoor luggage claim. To save time, I sent Fernando with Tiago and Talia to pick up the rental car and took Mia and Joaquin to snag the luggage. Needless to say, it was quite a show. I think most people expect a certain amount of luggage per person. People stared incredulously after the 5th bag I pulled off the serpentine luggage claim. I almost caused a crisis when the locked gun case loomed across the black belt. The women in front of me, recoiled at the site. One whispered loudly pulling as far as she could away from the tainted box "Is that a gun? That's totally a gun." As if on cue, I hoisted it from the conveyor and set it next to Joaquin. Even if I wanted to go on a shooting spree, the unloaded gun had two huge locks. They could have easily escaped in the time I tried to open it. Too bad, I don't even touch the gun Fernando purchased for me years ago. The only guns I endorse for my use have lasers or paintballs.
With 12 bags (4 of which were significantly oversized and heavy), 1 carseat, plus about 4 carry ons, those little pay for luggage carts weren't going to cut it. Luckily a kind skycap employee came to our rescue. He even wandered around with us to find where Fernando went with the car. We used some mad Tetris skills to fit everything. Even still, bags were everywhere. We stopped by Panera for some deliciousness, and Redondo Beach while we waited for Fernando's brother to land in LAX.

The beach was beautiful. I was honestly shocked. Another funny side note, when we first planned to use a military hop to get to California, we thought we could take a detour through Hawaii. It worked so well last year when Fernando was deployed. Flights just kept disappearing or lacked enough seats. After the third or fourth missed attempt, the kids postulated "The reason we can't get on a flight is because mom hasn't followed through with her promise to the missionaries to give a Book of Mormon to her friend." It's true that I did promise the missionaries, but to be fair, I intentionally made it an open ended promise. I love the Book of Mormon. It has been a guide and strength to me and my family. I think anyone who reads it seeking for meaning will gain from its inspired words. I know that my friend, who already has years of exposure to the LDS faith, would accept it kindly. It just felt unnatural and forced. With my girls by my side, I conquered my fear. To avoid awkward conversation that always flows from me while talking about the church, I decided to write my thoughts in the front pages and gave her scripture references to the pictures inside. I gave it to her and even told her that we had missed going to Hawaii because I was supposed to give it to her. She laughed. When I made it to the beach, I forwarded her the picture and thanked her for accepting the book so we could visit the beach.
After we picked up Fernando's brother, we stopped by the LA Temple to pick up some items. Tiago found this crazy husk and was being hilarious with it.
The two hour drive to the Tovar's home proved a bit too long. California post up next.