Thursday, October 25, 2012

Is that an Idol?

While walking onto the grounds of the Alaska Museum of Art, Tiago saw this sculpture and asked, "Is that an idol?"  Though difficult to see from this picture, it happens to be a metal statue of a walrus, polar bear, eagle, and a few other arctic animals swirling in a wave of . . . .intrigue?  Anyway, I am glad he listens to the scriptures and we had a great discussion between art and worship.


Emily said...

how funny. It does look like an idol! Boy he is getting old!


Kevin and Kristen said...

That's funny! I thought from your post title he was talking about Survivor and the hidden immunity idol. It does look like an idol either way though!

Lynn said...

What a handsome guy. Alaska looks like an extension of does Canada. Thank you for giving us a glimpse.

(and if this posts as Ben's comments you can rest assured that he is not checking on blogs mid-day. Some of us are still in residency :))

Lynn said...

What a handsome guy. Alaska looks like an extension of does Canada. Thank you for giving us a glimpse.

(and if this posts as Ben's comments you can rest assured that he is not checking on blogs mid-day. Some of us are still in residency :))