Monday, May 14, 2012

Breakfast In Bed

For mother's day, the kids made me breakfast in bed (which due to time restraints for making it to our 8:00 am choir practice before church at 8:30 meant we all ate quickly on the table downstairs. The kids have been getting a lot of breakfast in bed practice.
All three of these pictures were from different breakfasts brought to me in bed. I must say that I live a spoiled life. I often hear them up and making things and yet fall back to sleep until I hear the clanking of plates against the cookie sheet they use for a tray. So sweet.


Kevin and Kristen said...

Very sweet! Hope you had a great day and nap later on after waking up so early!

Emily said...

awww! love those kids...


Lynn said...

I like how Talia is checking to see if they are poisonous for you. So thoughtful!

Lynn said...

Have you guys moved yet? Are you en route? Will you be passing through WA?