Monday, July 11, 2011


Awkwardness all depends on the situation. Take for example this car seat my sister gave me:

this would be tacky, but thank heavens for a sweet seamstress mother who refinished the car seat to look like this:
Much cuter and fun to make (well. . .fun for me since I just sat in amazement and giggled with her as the hours drew longer and later)

Awkward could be the feeling Joaquin is feeling with a loving sister trying to "hold" him, but he recognizes and feels the love so it was fine.

Real awkwardness is sitting down, waiting for church to start and being reintroduced to the medical student who was in the delivery room when Joaquin was born a little less than 2 weeks ago! I say in the room, but really he was an active participant in the whole process. Enough said---Awkward!


Lisa Christine said...

Oh! Congratulations!!! Enjoy every moment with that sweet babe :)

David said...

yeah, meeting that med student again might be awkward!