Sunday, June 13, 2010

When Your Slide Gots NO Slip

Last year we discovered that not all homes/yards/pressure from you hose can support slip and slides. It didn't really stop us from trying. So the other day, we tried again. The kids ran full bore at the slide and slipped as much they could. Luckily we found other means to jazz up the fun.

Unfortunately, accidents happen when some children find it difficult to watch their sister army crawl up the slide and decide that the best way to have her stop is to slide head first into her.

He spent a good amount of time recouping with his little sister who thought nudity always spices things up.


Claudia said...

Oh no, the poor lip! Those mouth injuries always bleed the worst. Makes you feel like they are dying. Our slip and slide is only slippy for the last 5 feet, we consider the rest good ice-balancing practice. There is nothing not cute about a naked 2 yr old - they are just adorable, swim diaper or not!

Lisa Christine said...


student said...

Someone needs a grandma and grandpa hug, and soon!!!