Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Party Girl

Mia is our resident party planner. If I was up for it, I am sure we would have parties on a daily basis. I have high hopes that our home will be the place kids want to be so I know who my kids are associating with and I have a little control over what my kids do for fun. I realize that I need to do a little more work on creating a fun environment that screams kids come play. But, until that time, I will just throw party after party in hopes to establish the idea of the fun starting at home.

We had high hopes of throwing a Cinco de Mayo party. Unfortunately, Fernando is on a rotation that has longer hours than normal (5 am-7/8pm) which isn't conducive to happy party throwing. Mia was more than sad and I kind of was as well. We haven't had a party since Easter as seen below:

Here is the game that Mia came up with. The kids had to toss a plastic Easter egg into one of the circles. Than hopscotch their way to that said egg, do the "chicken dance" and pick up the egg using only their teeth. Meanwhile, Mia played a song from one of our Easter toys and waited to snatch up the egg before the kids could get it.

Mia imagining her next fun event!


Emily said...

FIESTA!!! mia is great!!

Lisa Christine said...

Your house will most definitely be the one that all the kids will want to hang out at!

I wish we lived near eachother....I think Mia and Alexandra would really get along!

student said...

Love, love, love that granddaughter!!!