Monday, April 26, 2010

Aside from Birthday's. . . .

Making up games to pass the time when Dad is on call

Enjoying our new grill
Eating Chocolate in large quantities

Ravioli making
Zoo with Friends
Fiesta Fun
Pudding Pops


Emily said...

Thanks for the Pictures, the last one of mia eating a pudding pop got a chuckle out of ethan.

And a snappy grill you have!

Kevin and Kristen said...

Looks like fun!

Lisa Christine said...

I want to be in your are always doing such fun activities!

Now, to answer your question yesterday:

::6 life-changing days::

1. The day Donald and I were married.

2. The day Donald and I were sealed.

3. Alexandra's birth.

4. Lorelai's birth.

5. Elisabeth's diagnoses.

6. Elisabeth's birth.

Hope you are enjoying Spring! Love the new grill!

Lisa Christine said...

While I was writing that post I was toying with the idea of counting the day I was born as one....that was most certainly life changing....or life starting....whatever....but I decided against it :)

Kasey said...

Love those pics! Your kids are so darn stinkin cute! I love reading your post because now matter what it always seems like you have so much fun with your kids and that you guys laugh often! I hope my kids can say the same about me!! You are amazing! Love it! Have a happy day! Lataz~Love always, Kasey