Monday, December 10, 2007

Yes I know Heavenly Father loves Mia!

One of our favorite primary songs is My Heavenly Father Loves Me. Since Mia was little, I would sing that song to her with the additional bonus of putting Mia in at the end. Like many times in her life, the words of the song rang true. Mia has been hoping quite openly to have a baby sister. As mentioned in a prior post, it isn't because she doesn't like baby brothers. . .it's just that she already has one of those. The morning of the ultrasound was filled with talk of what the baby would be. Mia even told me about a dream she had where she saw a baby girl. She near exploded when her hopes were confirmed. Then, as if life could not get any better, we woke up to snow the very next morning. One of Mia's very first comments were, "It's snowing because Heavenly Father loves me." Amen.

I might also mention that all these events were a somewhat new concept for Tiago. Baby is an interesting idea. So much so that Tiago often hugs my tummy and talks to the baby and then points to his tummy for me to do the same. The snow was fun to walk in, look at, but not to touch or EAT! He tried to warn Mia several times not to eat the "yucky snow". Mia tried to explain its deliciousness. Neither would budge.


cathy said...

Yes, Mia He does. He also loves Tiago, Daddy, Mommy and the new baby. Grandma and Grandpa love you, too. Mom

Lynn said...

Yea for a baby sister! Not that it matters, especially once you have both but it will be fun to have a baby sister. Can't wait to see her. And can't wait to find out where the new baby will be raised...tomorrow right?

Madelyn Joy Lancaster said...

Perspective and attitude is a funny thing... I look out at the window at freshly fallen snow and think, "ugh, I don't want to leave my house in that cold dreary weather!" I hope this winter brings lots and lots of snow to you Mia!!

The Petrini Post said...

Congrats on a baby girl! How fun for you! Your looking fabulous thesse days. We need to get together sometime, okay! Take care!