Friday, August 10, 2007

Berries the Size of your Face

Once again we headed to our local PYO farm in order to try the blackberries. This was a first for all of us. I was surprised to find rows of Goliath tall plants full of enormous berries. Like always, Tiago and Mia moved quickly and efficiently shoving in berries almost mechanically. I tried to keep up in order to out weigh their eatings, but to no avail. Mia had to explain to Tiago a few times that she was not his napkin and to wipe his juicy hands on the grass (an exact parody of the mother one row over). Tiago finally was too full to press on and opted for his truck instead.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Maybe you should weigh the children before and after berry picking for a more accurate calculation of berries that go home with you. I've seen the damage they can do while picking their own firsthand.

(In case this comment sounds rude, it's meant to be tongue-in-cheek...a smiling cheek at that)